Description of LogoQuiz by Country Guess the logos of different brands (companies, products, etc.).Divided into 12 levels you will over 450 logos. Every Level is unlocked and consist only Brands from one country. For every logo you will receive 100 points if you've quess directly correct. For each failed attempt you will lose 5 points. Do you have a small (typing)error, 2 points are substracted.For every logo you can use 2 hints. Hint No. 1 substracted 7 points, hint No. 2 substracted 10 pointJungleeRummy s. A hint coast 5 stars. Stars you can get if you solve a logo good or perfect.In the Statistics section you can check how you have currently ranked the world!We will make available more levels and still perform some optimizations.Feedback is always welcome, please use [email protected] , because we can only here reply!
Version history LogoQuiz by Country New in Logo Quiz by Country 2.4.1 --- 2.4.1 ----added the missing logos in Australia level--- 2.4 ---- new levels (10 new country-Levels)- Design optimizations- new navigation Please rate this app
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