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War Groups [unlocked/Mod Money]
source admin | sourcedate 2024-05-07
War Groups [unlocked/Mod Money] - Strategy in the stylistics of the game War Groups - post-apocalyptic strategy.Take control of one of the groupings and capture important areas of the zone. Establish a connection between the territories, look for valuable artifacts a7upDown.nd fight in real time with other gangs. Before you, the coolest strategy, which is executed in a minimalist style, which copies the once popular game Stalker. You are waiting for hundreds of locations, a variety of mutants and anomalies, a bunch of different fighters of unique classes and an advanced system of equipment.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 83.16 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newИсправлены ошибки;Незначительно переработан мультиплеер.Update history-----