Tabletop Battles
Easy scoring and game history for competitive and casual Warhammer players.
Tabletop Battles makes it easy to track your Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 30k (Horus Heresy), and Conquest (TLAOK) games. Whether you're playing casual games, competitive games, or heading to a big event, Tabletop Battles lets you track objectives, scores, and CP during gameplay and save your scores for easy reference later.
Supported mission packs
- 40k 10º: pacote Leviathan GT
- 40k 10th: Leviathan
- 40k 10th: Only War
- 40k 10th: Crusade
- 40k 10th: Outcast Nexus
- 40k: Combat Patrol
- 40k: Boarding Action
- AoS 3e: Pitched Battles 23-24
- AoS 3e: Contest of Generals
- AoS 3e: Contest of Warlords
- AoS 3e: Dawnbringers
- 30k 2e: Main Quests
- 30k 2e: Siege of Cthonia
- Conquest 2e: Additional Scenarios
- Conquest 2e: Tournament Scenarios
- Smart punctuation allows for quick punctuation entry, helping to avoid errors
- View deployment maps for each mission
- Optionally randomize your mission or secondary selections in the app
- Optional reminder to take photos every battle round
- Export finished games for easy sharing with your friends
- Create games for each round of an event with a single teen patti quick button
- Group your games by event to see how you did
- Track your placement for later reference
- See games played, win rates, streaks and more
- Filter stats by mission pack, mission, faction
- Sync games seamlessly across multiple devices
- Your games are saved to the cloud "just in case"
*Game Sync requires a free Goonhammer account
Tabletop Battles is an unofficial application and is not recommended by Games Workshop.
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